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K. M. Mustafizur Rahman

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Assistant Professor (Study Leave)
Population Science
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Area of Interest

Population Ageing, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Equity, Poverty, Demography


K.M. Mustafizur Rahman

M.Sc. (RU), M. Phil. (RU)

Assistant Professor


Research Interest: Population Ageing, Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, Gender Equity, Poverty, Demography



o  Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) in Human Resource Development from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2014. Thesis Title: Determinants of Human Resource Development in Industrial Sector in Rajshahi City: A Micro-Survey Study.

 o   Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Population Science and Human Resource Development from the University of Rajshahi,        Bangladesh, 2006. Thesis Title: Ageing Profile and Pattern of Land Transferring of the Elderly Population in Naogaon       District of Bangladesh: Evidence from a Micro-Survey Study.

 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Population Science from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2005.

 o   Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science from New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2000.

 o    Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) in Science from Rajshahi Collegiate School, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1998.

 Experience at Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University:


15 March 2020 to till Date


23 December 2018 to 14 March 2020 

Experience in other Organizations/Institutes:

1. International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions (INAFI) Bangladesh


June 2015 to Dec 2018

2. Unnayan Onneshan (an independent policy making research organization)


Aug 2010 to Apr 2015

Consultancy Works:

  • o   Worked as a “National Expert” of the project titled “Pilot Project on Weather Index Based Crop Insurance (WIBCI)” implemented by Sadharan Bima Corporation and funded jointly by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh during June 2016 to June 2018.
  • o   Work as a “Short Term Consultant (Coordinator)” of a research project on “Development and Political Leadership: Expectation and Achievement of People” implemented jointly by Bangladesh Initiative for Sustainable Future (BISF) and Advancing Public Interest (APIT) during July 29, 2017 to Sep 15, 2017.
  • o   Work as a “Short Term Consultant” of a research project on “Post-KAP Study of One Health: Fighting Zoonoses in Bangladesh” implemented by Relief International during Dec 5, 2016 to Jan 25, 2017.
  • o   Worked as a “Short Term Consultant” to provide training supports on IGA and SME; sponsored by BRAC during May 2015 to 18 June 2015.
  • o   Worked as a “Team Leader” of a nation-wide research project on domestic worker, sponsored by Oxfam during Jul 2014 to Nov 2014.
  • o   Worked as a “Short Term Researcher” to prepare a policy brief on food security, sponsored by Oxfam during 5 May 2014 to 30 May 2014.

Publications (Selected Journal Articles):

(1) Goni, M.A., Rahman, K. M. M. and Rahman, M.M. (2020). Factors Affecting Employee’s Satisfaction about Workplace Environment: A Micro-Survey Study.  Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology; 3(3), 58-67.

(2) Goni, M.A., Rahman, K. M. M. and Rahman, M.M. (2020). Differentials in Income Satisfaction among the Industrial Workers at Rajshahi City in Bangladesh. Middle East Journal of Business; 14(3): 7-14.

(3) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019). Factors Associated with Pregnancy Related Health Status among Rural Women in Bangladesh: A Micro-Survey Study. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences; 7(3), 1-10.

(4) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019). Fulfillment of fundamental rights among Bangladeshi people: does income and expenditure matter? Indian Journal of Economics and Development; 7 (8): 1-7.

(5) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019). Effects of Income and Expenditure on Food Intake of Population in Bangladesh. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences; 9 (03): 741-746.

(6) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019). Determinants of Contraceptive Use among the Rural Ever-Married Women: A Micro-Survey Study. Sumerianz Journal of Social Science; 2 (7), 86-91.

(7) Rahman, K. M. M., Hoque, M. N. and Titumir, R. A. M. (2018). Urgency for Recognition: An Estimate of Women Domestic Work in Bangladesh. Demography India, 47 (2): 100-111.

(8) Rahman, K. M. M., Titumir, R. A. M. and Nasrin, S. O. (2018). Dimension of Women Labour Force in Bangladesh: Evidence from Nationally Representative Data. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 4 (1): 9-15.

(9) Rahman, K. M. M., Hoque, M. N. and Titumir, R. A. M. (2016). Progress and Pitfalls of Women in Bangladesh: Structural Rigidities and Embedded Institutions. Demography India, 45 (1&2): 102-116.

(10) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K.M.M. 2013. State of labour in Bangladesh: Dispossession amidst accumulation. Reading on Governance and Development, XV: 57-67.

(11) Rahman, K. M. M., Islam, T. M. and Tareque, M. I. (2013). Socio-Economic Correlates of Child Labour in Agricultural Sector of Rural Rajshahi District, Bangladesh.  African Journal of Crop Protection and Rural Sociology, 1 (3): 027-034.

(12) Rahman, K. M. M. and Tareque, M. I. (2013) Violence against Children: A Study in Northern Region of Bangladesh. International Journal of Scientific Footprints 2013; 1(2): 17–25

(13) Nasrin, S.O. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2012). Factors affecting early marriage and early conception of women: A case of slum areas in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 4 (2): 54-62.

(14) Goni, M.A. and Rahman, K.M.M. (2012). Age at First Marriage in Bangladesh: Socio-economic Differentials and Determinants. Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing, 9 (3): 28-34.

(15) Rahman, K. M. M., Islam, T.M., Tareque, M. I., Rahman, M. M. (2011). Economic Dependency Among the Rural Elderly of Naogaon District. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3): 262-268.

(16) Rahman, K. M. M., Tareque, M. I., Munsur, A. M. and Rahman, M. M. (2010). Elderly Abuse: Causes and Determinants in Rural Naogan District of Bangladesh”. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 19 (1): 25-36.

(17) Munsur, A. M., Tareque, M. I. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2010). Determinants of Living Arrangement, Health Status and Abuse among Elderly Women: A Study of Rural Naogaon District, Bangladesh. Journal of International Women’s studies, 11 (4): 162-176.

(18) Rahman, K. M. M., Tareque, M. I. and Rahman, M. M. (2010). Pattern of Land Transferring: A Study on Rural Elderly of Naogaon District, Bangladesh. Journal of Population, 16 (1): 51-71.

(19) Rahman, K. M. M. (2009). Determinants of Maternal Health Care Utilization in Bangladesh. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 4 (3): 113-119.

(20) Rahman, K. M. M. and Sarkar, P. (2009). Levels and Differentials of Maternal Health Care Utilization in Bangladesh. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (4): 163-169.

(21) Sarkar, P. and Rahman, K. M. M. 2009. Situation of Maternal Health Care Services in Bangladesh. The Social Sciences, 4(5), 499-504.

(22) Rahman, K. M. M. and Sarkar, P. 2009. Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 175-180.

(23) Rahman, K. M. M. and Mohsin, M. I. and Tareque, M.I. 2009. Trends of Population Ageing from 1950-2050: A Comparative Study Between Bangladesh and World. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 6-10.

(24) Rahman, K. M. M., Tareque, M. I. and Rahman, M. M. (2008) “Gender Differences in Economic Support, Well-being and Satisfaction of the Rural Elderly in Naogaon District, Bangladesh”. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics, 4 (3); 98-105.

(25) Rahman, M. M., Tareque, M. I. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2007). “Living Arrangements and Health Status of the Rural Elderly of Naogaon District, Bangladesh”, Indian Journal of Gerontology, 21 (4) 378-393.

(26) Rahman, M. M. Tareque, M. I., Rahman, K. M. M. and Islam, T. M. (2007). Dimension of Population Ageing in Bangladesh. Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing; 4 (4): 17-22.

Publications (Selected Book Chapters):

(1) Rahman, K.M.M. 2014. Health, Education and Social Security: Challenges, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Dealing with Deceleration: State of Bangladesh Economy and Development 2014. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 183-204. ISBN: 978-984-90972-1-1.

(2) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K.M.M. 2013. An Introspection for a Zero Poverty Development Framework, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Measuring Multidimensionality: State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2013. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 121-150. ISBN: 978-984-90638-5-8.

(3) Rahman, K.M.M. 2013. Women in Labour Force, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Accumulation and Alienation: State of Labour in Bangladesh, 2013. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 127-142. ISBN: 978-984-90452-9-8.

(4) Rahman, K.M.M. 2013. Demographic and Economic Profile of Women, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Institutions Matter: State of Women in Bangladesh, 2013. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 15-34. ISBN: 978-984-90452-8-1.

(5) Nasrin, S.O. and Rahman, K.M.M. 2013. Women and Health, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Institutions Matter:  State of Women in Bangladesh, 2013. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 35-56. ISBN: 978-984-90452-8-1.

(6) Rahman, K.M.M. and Ali, M.A. 2013. Women and Poverty, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Institutions Matter: State of Women in Bangladesh, 2013. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 129-154. ISBN: 978-984-90452-8-1.

(7) Islam, T.M., Tareque, M.I., Rahman, K.M.M., Sugawa, M. and Kawahara, K. 2013. Violence against Women, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Institutions Matter: State of Women in Bangladesh, 2013. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 155-184. ISBN: 978-984-90452-8-1.

(8) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. Incidence and Severity of Poverty, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2012. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 17-37. ISBN: 978-984-8827-91-8.

(9) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. Poverty at Household Level, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2012. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 39-56. ISBN: 978-984-8827-91-8.

(10) Rahman, K.M.M. and Chowdhury, S.K. 2012. Poverty and Rural-Urban Migration, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2012. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 75-92. ISBN: 978-984-8827-91-8.

(11) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. State of Livelihood of the Rural Poor, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Decelerated Decline: State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2012. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 57-73. ISBN: 978-984-8827-91-8.

(12) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. Economic and Livelihood Issues of Urban Poor, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Decelerated Decline:  State of Poverty in Bangladesh, 2012. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 93-111. ISBN: 978-984-8827-91-8.

(13) Rahman, K.M.M. and Mozdalifa, J. 2012. Food Security at National Level, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Elusive Progress:  State of Food Security in Bangladesh, 2012. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 17-37. ISBN: 978-984-8827-98-7.

(14) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. Power, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.) Growth or Contraction? State of Bangladesh Economy and Development 2011-12. Unnayan Onneshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 138-154. ISBN: 978-984-8827-94-9

(15) Rahman, K.M.M. 2012. Health, in Titumir, R.A.M. (ed.), Growth or Contraction? State of Bangladesh Economy and Development 2011-12. Shrabon Prokashani, Dhaka, Bangladesh: pp. 155-174. ISBN: 978-984-8827-94-9.

Publications (Book):

(1) Rahman, K. M. M. 2012. Ageing Profile in Bangladesh: A Micro-Survey Study. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8465-8245-9.

Publications (Selected Occasional Papers):

(1) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2014). MISSING WOMEN: An Estimate of Women Domestic Work in Bangladesh. Unnayan Onneshan.  Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/documents/GenderRights/Missing%20Women.pdf

(2) Saleh, A.Z.M., Rahman, K. M. M., Basak, J.K., Sultana, N. et al. (2012). Faltering Growth: A Rapid Assessment of National Budget 2012-13, 3 (5), June 2012. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/June_12/MEU_Jun_2012.pdf

(3) Rahman, K. M. M. (2011). Electricity Scenario in Bangladesh. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/Electricity%20Scenario%20in%20Bangladesh.pdf

(4) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2011). Poverty and Inequality in Bangladesh. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators.  Available at: http:// http://unnayan.org/reports/Poverty_and_Inequality_in_Bangladesh.pdf

(5) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2011). Achieving the MDGs Targets in Nutrition: Does Inequality Matter?. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at:

http://unnayan.org/reports/health/Achieving_the_MDGs_Targets_in_Nutrition-Does_Inequality_ Matter.pdf

(6) Saleh, A.Z.M, Basak, J.K., Rahman, K. M. M. et al. (2011). Food Prices, Food Security and the Marginalised, Bangladesh Economic Update, 2 (5), June 2011. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/june_11/meu_Jun_2011.pdf

(7) Saha, P.K. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2011). The State of Livelihood: Livelihood Status of Hardcore Poor in Hard to Reach Areas in Bangladesh, Quarterly Report based on Monthly Livelihood Survey (April – June, 2011).  Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http:// http://unnayan.org/reports/Livelihood/Livelihood_Baseline_April-June_2011.pdf

(8) Ferdaush, J. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2011). Gender Inequality in Bangladesh. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/Gender%20Inequality%20In%20Bangladesh.pdf

(9)  Chowdhury, F.A., Basak, J.K., Rahman, K. M. M. et al. (2011). Macroeconomic Mazes in the Middle: A Rapid Assessment of National Budget FY 2011-2012. Bangladesh Economic Update, 2 (4), June 2011.  Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/june_11/meu_English_Post_Budget_2011.pdf

(10) Titumir, R.A.M.,  Chowdhury, F.A., Basak, J.K.,  Rahman, K. M. M. et al. (2011). Fuzzy Policy Façade: A Pre-budget Analysis of the State of the Economy 2010-11. Bangladesh Economic Update, 2 (3), April 2011.  Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu/apr_11/meu_Apr_2011.pdf

(11) Titumir, R.A.M. and Rahman, K. M. M. (2010). Education, Health and Poverty: A Reality Check. Bangladesh Economic Update, 1 (6), December 2010. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/meu_Dec_2010.pdf

(12) Rahman, K. M. M. (2010). Present Social Context and Elderly Population in Bangladesh. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/Policy%20Brief%20on%20Elderly%20Population.pdf

(13) Rahman, K. M. M. (2010). Health Related Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh: A Reality Check. Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. Available at: http://www.unnayan.org/reports/Health_MDG.pdf

Publications (Selected Popular Articles):

(1) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019).  Lower calorie intake and future poverty concern. The News Today. Available at: http://www.newstoday.com.bd/index.php?option=details&news_id=2553254&date=2019-12-27

(2) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019).  Strengthening socio-economic protection for the poor. The Financial Express. Available at: https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/views/views/strengthening-socio-economic-protection-for-the-poor-1568737119

(3) Rahman, K. M. M. (2019). Budgetary allocation for health sector:why it matters. The Financial Express . Available at: https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/views/reviews/budgetary-allocation-for-health-sector-why-it-matters-1560957372

(4) Rahman, K. M. M. (2017). Some thoughts on health budget. The Daily Star. Available at: www.thedailystar.net/opinion/human-rights/some-thoughts-health-budget-1436710 

(5) Rahman, K. M. M. (2017). Rethinking family planning programmes. The Financial Express. Available at: www.thefinancialexpress.com.bd/views/rethinking-family-planning-programmes-1507302433

(6) Rahman, K.M.M. (2015). Microfinance and gender equality. The Financial Express. Available at: http://today.thefinancialexpress.com.bd/public/editorial/microfinance-and-gender-equality

(7) Rahman, K.M.M. and Nasrin, S.O. (2012). The senior citizens and challenges. The Financial Express. Available at:  http://www.thefinancialexpresbd.com/index.php?ref=MjBfMTFfMTdfMTJfMV82XzE1MDE2NQ==


(8) Rahman, K.M.M. (2012). Rethinking power sector. The Financial Express. Available at: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/more.php?news_id=143090&date=2012-09-12

(9) Rahman, K.M.M.(2012). Barriers to universal health coverage. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://www.newagebd.com/detail.php?date=2012-07-11&nid=16609

(10) Mozdalifa, J. and Rahman, K.M.M. (2012). Connecting street girls. The Financial Express. Available at: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/more.php?news_id=135705&date=2012-07-07

(11) Das, P.K., Saleh, A.Z.M., Rahman, K.M.M., Basak, J.K. et al. (2012). Faltering growth: A rapid assessment of national budget 2012-13. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://www.newagebd.com/special.php?spid=4

(12) Rahman, K.M.M. (2011). Redrawing the poverty line. The Financial Express. Available at: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/more.php?news_id=159354&date=2011-12-15

(13) Rahman, K.M.M. (2011). Preparing for an elderly population. The Daily Star.  Available at: http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=205011

(14) Rahman, K.M.M. (2011). On healthcare budget. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://newagebd.com/newspaper1/op-ed/24830.html

(15) Rahman, K.M.M. (2011).  Poverty reduction efforts need a boost. The Financial Express. Available at: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/more.php?news_id=140938&date=2011-06-29

(16) Rahman, K.M.M. and Nasrin, S.O. (2011). Widespread practice of child marriage gets scant attention. The Financial Express. Available at: http://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/more.php?news_id=149024&date=2011-09-11

(17) Rahman, K.M.M. and Nasrin, S.O. (2011). Population: Asset or burden. The Daily Star. Available at:  http:// www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=194959

(18) Rahman, K.M.M. (2011). Social security concern. The Daily Star. Available at: http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=192843

(19) Rahman, K.M.M.(2011). State of education, health and poverty in the context of vision-2021”. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://newagebd.com/newspaper1/op-ed/5083.html

(20) Rahman, K. M. M. and Saleh, A.Z.M.  (2011). Focusing on elderly women. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://newagebd.com/newspaper1/op-ed/19898.htm

(21) Saleh, A.Z.M., Basak, J.K., Rahman, K.M.M. and Rafique, F. (2011). Crisis in food price, food security imperil the marginalised. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://newagebd.com/newspaper1/op-ed/26327.html

(22) Rahman, K.M.M. (2010). Elderly population in Bangladesh: a situational analysis. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://www.newagebd.com/2010/oct/03/oped.html

(23) Rahman, K. M. M. and Baten, M.A. (2010). Reality check for health related MDGs in Bangladesh. The Daily New Age. Available at: http://www.newagebd.com/2010/sep/23/edit.html


Seminar/Conference Attended

  • o   Participated and paper presented at the international seminar on “Population, Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges” organized by the Department of Population Science and Human Resource Development of Rajshahi University on 17-18 December 2016.
  • Participate in Inception Workshop on “Pilot Project on Weather Index Based Crop Insurance (WIBCI)” Organized by    Sadharan Bima Corporation on 13 August 2015 at CIRDAP International Conference Centre. Dhaka
  • Participated in a workshop on “Clean Clothes: Improve Occupational Safety and Health Compliances of Ready Made Garments (RMG) Workers in Bangladesh” organized by INAFI Bangladesh Foundation, (country chapter of Global INAFI) and BASUG (an International  Diaspora and Development organization located in the Netherlands) on Saturday, 01st August, 2015 in Dhaka at BRAC Centre Inn, Bangladesh.
  • Participated and Paper Presented at International Seminar on Rajshahi City: Past and Present. Conducted by Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh during 15­-16 January, 2010.
  •  Participated and Paper Presented at International Seminar on Twentieth Century Bengal.  Conducted by Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh during 27-28 June, 2009


 Contact Info:

K.M. Mustafizur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Population Science
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
E-mail: nishan_hrd@yahoo.com
Mobile: +88 01712 36 23 38

Email: nishan_hrd@yahoo.com

Personal Website/Blog