CSE 301: Microprocessors

1_CSE 301_Introduction 2_CSE 301_Microprocessor Software Concepts 3_CSE 301_Intel 8085 Microprocessor 4_CSE 301_Intel 8086 Microprocessors 5_CSE 301_Overview of Other Processors

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CSE 447: Digital Signal Processing

  1_CSE 447_Introduction_to_signals 2_CSE 447_The Z Transform 3_CSE 447_DFT 4_CSE 447_Digital filters  

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CSE 325: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing

CSE 325_Basic IO Interface CSE 325_Memory Interface

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CSE 5406: Neural Signal Processing

Chapter 1:Signal Basics, Chapter 2:Time Frequency Representation, Chapter 3:EEG, Chapter 4:EEG_Enhancement, Chapter 5: Classification.

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